HECO WR Special Full Threaded Screw

SKU # 53334 | Barcode
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HECO-WR - High performance in timber constructions. Efficient and secure for powerfull connections and reinforcements.

Countless simple and efficient timber engineering applications are possible, thanks to the comprehensive range of lengths available in the HECO-WR programme. These include timber to timber connections as main/secondary beam connections, rafter/purlin connections and flitch beams. Steel components can also be fitted to timbers with the HECO-WR for end grain connections, frame corners and wind bracings. The HECO-WR fastener is also ideal for compression reinforcement in support areas or tension reinforcement perpendicular to the grain.


  • Reductions in time and cost
  • Wide range of applications
  • Very high performance
  • Insertion parallel with the grain also possible
  • Installation without pre-drilling
  • No decline of load bearing capacity from 90° to 45° relative to the grain
  • Low splitting tendency = small spacings and distances
